The Storm Is Coming

Yes, there's a great storm on the way which will overtake all those who're walking in rebellion against the Lord God Almighty. Already there's enmity between Man and Saran as we coninue to witness the things taking place around the gobal. What's happening? "The Word of God says the following; I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy heel." (Genesis 3:15) The divine sentence pronounced against Satan after the fall of man was also a prophesy, ambracing all the ages to the close of time and foreshadowing the great conflict to engage all the races of men who should live upon the earth. 

God declares: "I will put enmity." This enmity is not naturally entertained. When man transgressed the divine law, his nature became evil, and he was in harmony, and not at variance, with Satan. The coming storm will prove just who's who upon the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, when Satan heard the declaration that enmity should exist between himself and the woman, and between hus seed and her seed, he knew that his efforts to deprave human nature would be interrrupted; that by some means man was to be enabled to resist his hellish power. 

It's an amazing thing to watch the hatred of the wicked held against those who've truly received, Jesus Christ, as both Lord and Savior. So yes, the storm is surely coming upon all of wicked humanity. The out right antaggonism that exist between the Spirit of Christ and the spirit of Satan was most strikingly displaced in the world's reception of Jesus Christ. 

It was not so much because He appeared without worldly wealth, pomp, or grandeur that the "Jew" were led to reject Him. Theu saw that He possessed power which would more than compensate for the lack of those outward advanages. But the pureity and holiness of Jesus Christ called forth against Him hatred of the ungodly. His life of self-denial and sinless devotion was a perpetual reproof to a proud, sensual people. It was this that evoked enmity against the Son of God. Satan and evil angels joined with evil men. All the energies of apostasy conprised against the Champion of truth. 

Noting has changed to date concerning the truly wicked children of disobedience. They're still taking care of their father Satans business as usually. But, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming with His saints as pormised within the Word of God. The storm is coming, the question of will you be ready when He returns to judge those who've taken the side of Satan? The ungrafeful wicked are truly in for a mighty day of the Lord Jesus Christ's warth upon the ungodly masses of humanity.    


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