
Showing posts with the label I Am the Door

I Am the Door

 We're now living in 2021 America an many are seeking for a deliver to bring about a just civil society a aggregate of people living together in a more of less ordered community within the human species. This means a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. In other worlds; a new leader or savior of a particular group or cause. But, will this work for those who're seeking such a savior. Are will this in fact, lead to the great deception of the dark god of this present developing New World Order.  The true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has known of this approaching deception for many, many years, because, it's stated within the pages of the Word of God, the Bible. You may ack. How can anyone who claims to be a follower of, Jesus Christ, be so deceived concerning such a important matter? Answer. They seek to enter in by some other means an not through the door of the sheep fold; Jesus Christ, the true Sheep of