The Barrier Removed

 In order to free us from the slave market of sin, God designed a means by which His perfect standards can be met. God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to remove the barrier between God and man. Jesus Christ is unique because He is both perfect God and perfect man. Not only is Jesus Christ human, but He is also just as much God as the Father who sent Him: "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30). 

When Jesus Christ came to earth to become the God-man, He was born outside the slave market: His humanity was perfect. Because of His unique birth, He alone had no sinful nature. He never committed a sin Himself, and no divine punishment was due Him. 

Only Christ was qualified on His own merit to meet the perfect standards of God. Only Christ could purchase our freedom because He was free from sin and outside the slave market. God the Father as the Supreme Judge accepted Him as your substitute. As the only perfect man in history, Jesus Christ chose to judged on the cross for man's sins. 

He (God the Father) made Him (Christ) who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). 

He paid the death penalty on the cross for you and every other human being. Every sin ever committed - past, present, and future - was judged on the cross. God the Father pronounced the sentence and Jesus Christ obeyed it. And being found in appearance as man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8). 

By accepting your punishment, Jesus Christ became your substitute. As your substitute, He met the perfect standards of God for you and removed the barrier between you and God. I pray this short message has moved you to rethink your situation as a created being made in the image of your Creator. 

If you'd like to learn how you can truly have a real Bible relationship with the, Lord Jesus Christ. You can contact me at the following email address: God bless. 


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